Lesný Inžinier (kov, drevo, kosť, plast, koža, sklo, guma, drevokazná huba, drôt) 2019 / Forest Engineer (metal, wood, bone, plastic, leather, glass, rubber, wood-destroying sponge, wire) 2019 / Foto: Erik Džumelec Sikora
Hlavy z lesa II.
The heads from the forest II.

Lesný Inžinier (kov, drevo, kosť, plast, koža, sklo, guma, drevokazná huba, drôt) 2019 / Forest Engineer (metal, wood, bone, plastic, leather, glass, rubber, wood-destroying sponge, wire) 2019 / Foto: Erik Džumelec Sikora

Centurion (drevo, kov, laminát, plast, kôra, koža) 2018 / Centurion (wood, metal, laminate, plastic, bark, leather) 2018 / Foto: Erik Džumelec Sikora

Centurion (drevo, kov, laminát, plast, kôra, koža) 2018 / Centurion (wood, metal, laminate, plastic, bark, leather) 2018 / Foto: Erik Džumelec Sikora

Ploskohlavec, drevo, kosť, lebka, plast 2018 / Pit viper, wood, bone, skull, plastic 2018

ZVÁRAČ-KA, drevo, kosť, lebka, plast 2018 / WELDER (wood, metal, laminate, rubber) 2018

ZVÁRAČ-KA, drevo, kosť, lebka, plast 2018 / WELDER (wood, metal, laminate, rubber) 2018

ZVÁRAČ-KA, drevo, kosť, lebka, plast 2018 / WELDER (wood, metal, laminate, rubber) 2018

Ploskohlavec, drevo, kosť, lebka, plast 2018 / Pit viper, wood, bone, skull, plastic 2018

Svet z tela morskej obludy drevo, drevokazná huba, plast, sklo 2018/ The world from the body of the sea monster wood, wood-decay fungi, plastic, glass 2018

Svet z tela morskej obludy drevo, drevokazná huba, plast, sklo 2018/ The world from the body of the sea monster wood, wood-decay fungi, plastic, glass 2018